Extension of deadline for the course „ VU International Organizations in Vienna and their Relevance for East Asia (2018W)”


We would like to inform that the deadline to send the motivation letter to get one of the 10 places available for this course has been extended to Friday, 12th of October 2018 (12:00).

Given that this course has a capacity for 10 students, those who pre-registered must send a letter of motivation answering these questions:

  • Why are you interested in the topic of this course?
  • Which of the Viennese IOs are you particularly interested in, and why?
  • How do you think you can contribute to the objectives of this course?
  • How do you see the relationship between East Asia and Europe, particularly Austria?
  • What are your previous and current studies? (Academic background)

You are asked to send the motivation letter to Mr. Wolfgang Riedl: wolfgang.riedl[at]univie.ac.at. All communication related to the registration process should be directed to Mr. Riedl.

Please note: The language of the course is English, and your active participation is required on Oct. 22nd and Dec. 3, 2018, as well as for the two weeks between Feb. 11 and Feb. 23, 2019. Please make sure that you are actually in Vienna at that time before applying for registration.