Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung features Prof. Frank on North Korea


The german newspaper offers two articles featuring Prof. Rüdiger Frank, discussing denuclearisation and the current role of the military in North Korea while Kim's policy focuses more on the economy.

In the articles "Kim Jong-un muss Sanktionen loswerden" [Kim Jong-un must get rid of the sanctions] and "Bombe, Brot und Spiele" [Bombs, Bread and Games], Prof. Frank reviews the new turn that the regime in North Korea has taken. A less prominet role for the military and the need to depend less from China or USA, are some of the reasons behind the change of policy from Kim. You can access the full articles [in german] in the following links:

21.04.2018: "Kim Jong-un muss Sanktionen loswerden" [link]

23.04.2018: "Bombe, Brot und Spiele" [link]