EcoS Curriculum

The curriculum for the MA program "East Asian Economy and Society" was published by the Senate of the University of Vienna in its bulletin on May 8th, 2008, with subsequent minor amendments. Official references to the EcoS curriculum should be made using the respective bulletins.

While a translated version of the curriculum is available in English, please note that in case of doubt or differences between the German document and its English translation, the original German version shall prevail.

EcoS modules

The EcoS Curriculum is organized in modules, which are the following:

  • Compulsory Module Contemporary East Asian Language*
  • Compulsory Module East Asian Economy
  • Compulsory Module Political Systems in East Asia
  • Compulsory Module East Asian Society
  • Compulsory Module Research Seminar and Master Colloquium
  • Master Thesis
  • Master Exam (Defensio)

*Depending on their previous education, EcoS graduates obtain at least a basic knowledge of a contemporary East Asian language, which will enable them to undertake in-depth language studies in the target country.

Index number of the EcoS MA program

The index number ["Studienkennzahl"] of the MA study program "East Asian Economy and Society" is 066 864.

Overview of the curriculum

Here is the current offer of courses for the Summer Semester 2025, according to each of the EcoS Modules. You can click on the respective link for more details: