Reconciling Divided States: A Comparative Perspective on Korea and Ireland
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What?: How can divided societies reconcile and build sustainable peace? This guest lecture offers a unique perspective by comparing two historically and geopolitically distinct cases: the Korean Peninsula and the Island of Ireland. While the natures of their conflicts and peace processes vary significantly, both share interesting historical parallels rooted in their colonial pasts and face common challenges in building peace. The lecture delves into key themes in peace studies, including the definition of peace, conflict, and violence, as well as strategies for peacebuilding. A special focus is given to the role of civil society in bridging divides and creating a public atmosphere that supports peace processes. Yet, both cases also illustrate the limitations of civil society peacebuilding, as governmental agendas often monopolise the decision-making process, marginalising grassroots efforts. Drawing on insights from recent exchanges between peacebuilders in Korea and Ireland, this lecture discusses practical strategies for empowering civil society and addressing the fragility of peace processes. Attendees will be invited to reflect on the broader implications for reconciliation in other divided societies around the world.
Who?: Dong Jin Kim is Kim Dae Jung Chair Professor of Peace Studies at Hanshin University, and a visiting academic at the School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies, Trinity College Dublin. His research interests are in the areas of peace processes, peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development cooperation. He conducts engaged research, collaborating with various humanitarian, development, and peace organisations. He was a Goodwill Ambassador for Peace on the Korean Peninsula at the South Korean Ministry of Unification (2020-22). He is author of The Korean Peace Process and Civil Society: Towards Strategic Peacebuilding (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), co-author of Peace and Conflict in a Changing World: Key Issues in Peace Studies (Palgrave Macmillan).
When?: January 8 (Wednesday), 2024, 16:45–18:15 (CET; UTC+1)
Where?: Sinology Conference Room (adjacent to the EcoS Office, 2F-O1-27A), Hof 2, Entrance 2.3, AAKH Campus, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna, Austria
To access the lecture via Zoom, please click HERE.