
Kleine Zeitung asks 'Was will Kim erreichen?'

Keeping up with the current events in the Korean Peninsula, Prof. Rüdiger Frank was interviewed by 'Kleine Zeitung'.


Wiener Zeitung: Kim wants a Korean Unification

Why is North Korea suddenly interested in talks? Prof. Rüdiger Frank talks with Klaus Hubold from 'Wiener Zeitung'.


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung features Prof. Frank on North Korea

The german newspaper offers two articles featuring Prof. Rüdiger Frank, discussing denuclearisation and the current role of the military in North...


'An End to the Continuous Escalations' by Heute Journal

With the Summit between North Korea and South Korea taking place, both countries have decided to take their destiny in their own hands. Could this be...


NDR radio: 'Kim won't give up the atomic bomb'

North Korea is discontinuing its nuclear program. Could we trust in Kim Jong-un? Prof. Frank Rüdiger talks about it with NDR radio.


Prof. Frank discusses the current situation in North Korea and his new book "Unterwegs in Nordkorea: Eine Gratwanderung"

Prof. Rüdiger Frank has given a series of interviews during the month of March to discuss the current situation with North Korea, as well as his new...


Prof. Rüdiger Frank's Interview with Der Standard "Nordkorea-Forscher: Das ist klar der Trump-Faktor"

The Austrian newspaper Der Standard recently interviewed Prof. Frank concerning the annoucement of a summit between United States and North Korea.


New article by Prof Frank on 38 North: „Korea 2018: The Beginning of the End of the Post-1990 World Order?“

Prof. Frank discusses possible implications of the recent rapprochement between the two Koreas and the seismic changes this could herald for the...


On the 14th of February, Professor Frank discussed travelling in North Korea and his new book "Unterwegs in Nordkorea" in a program on...


DAS! with Prof. Rüdiger Frank

Prof. Frank is interviewed by the German TV magazine "DAS!" on his insights and travels to North Korea.


Documentation on the DPRK's participation in the 1964 Olympic Games (with Prof Frank's comments)

On the 4th of February, the Austrian broadcasting services featured a documentary on the DPRK's participation in the 1964 Olympic Games with comments...


"Tauwetter in Korea?"

Is the current rapprochment on the Korean peninsula a short-lived flare or a lasting development?


"In Washington ist man ein wenig nervös"

In Austrian newspaper Der Standard, Prof. Frank comments on the current rapprochment between North and South Korea, international mediation, and the...


Prof. Rüdiger Frank's Interview with "ZDF Heute"

On the 8th of January, 'ZDF Heute' featured an interview with Prof. Rüdiger Frank on the current talks between North and South Korea.


Self-Confidence after a Tough Year

On 38 North, Prof. Frank commented on the 2018 New Year speech by Kim Jong-un.