News from EcoS

This section compiles all of the news from the EcoS program. You can also see the articles according to the following categories: EcoS up to Date or EcoS in the News.

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The chair of East Asian Economy and Society is proud to announce that the recently awarded research project "Investment opportunities for German and...

EcoS Updates

Our Chair is proud to welcome Dr Tat Yan Kong (associate professor at SOAS, London) to Vienna. On Monday, December 10th, 18:00 at seminar room OAW, Dr...

EcoS Updates

This information applies for all students from East Asian Studies who are interested in pursuing an interdiscipilary PhD degree in an international...

EcoS Updates

Formation of Advisory Group on North Korea at World Economic Forum

At the World Economic Forum’s Summit on the Global Agenda in November 2012, it was decided to form an Advisory Group on North Korea.

EcoS Online

Changes in North Korea: For Better or Worse?

In a short comment, Prof. Frank addresses the question of unbalanced reporting about developments in North Korea and argues that there is progress,...

EcoS Online

On Oct. 28, 2012, Prof. Frank went to Cairo to provide a two hour briefing for President Martti Ahtisaari, Ela Bhatt, Prime Minister Gro Brundtland,...

EcoS Online

10th EastAsiaNet Research Workshop in Barcelona

The 10th EastAsiaNet Research Workshop, this time with a focus on governance in East Asia, took place in Barcelona, Spain, 25-26 October 2012.

EcoS Updates

Will the twenty-first century be the Asian century? Will the People’s Republic of China overtake the United States as the leading global superpower?...

EcoS Updates

This lecture discusses the Korean, American and German context as well as the early beginnings of the UM’s Austrian adventure, whilst reviewing the...

EcoS Updates

On Monday, October 15th, Three graduates of the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna presented themselves and their...

EcoS Updates

Academic Analysis

by Prof. Rüdiger Frank on current developments in North Korea on

EcoS Online

As discussed at the Info Meeting on last Monday, there is the possibility of substituting one of the seminars of modules 2 and 3.

EcoS Updates

Frank, Rüdiger et al. (2012), Korea 2012: Politics, Economy and Society, Leiden: Brill

EcoS Updates

EcoS Info Meeting + Students Round Table

October 1, 2012, 18:00 at Seminarraum "OAW"

Student's Corner

ORF Interview on the Unification Movement with Dr. Lukas Pokorny

On September 3rd, 2012 Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Movement and the "Washington Times" died at the age of 92.

EcoS Online