News from EcoS

This section compiles all of the news from the EcoS program. You can also see the articles according to the following categories: EcoS up to Date or EcoS in the News.

If you are interested in keeping up-to-date with student-organized events, please make sure to monitor the social media accounts managed by our student representatives


From now on the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society (EcoS) provides recorded lectures to all teaching staff at the University of Vienna.

EcoS Updates

Prof. Adam Fforde, renowned expert on Vietnam and development issues held a special lecture on “Q&A on Vietnam and some related issues: Prof. Adam...

EcoS Updates

Academic Analysis

The Party as the Kingmaker: The Death of Kim Jong-Il and its Consequences for North Korea.

EcoS Online

North Korea’s Strategic Outlook on Northeast Asia: The Syrian Litmus Test

"The Libyan story seems to be over, at least for now. We do not exactly know who is going to rule that country next and with what consequences.

EcoS Online

EXPERT: Herbert Friesacher

The project "Praxis-Link East Asia" of the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society aims to raise the employability of our students, give practical...

EcoS Updates

New Publication

The Vienna Graduate Journal of East Asian Studies is a joint project of the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Vienna aiming to...

EcoS Updates

Live-Interview for Russia Today Television

North Korea has again shelled waters near the maritime border with South Korea.

EcoS Online

Guest Lecture: Ambassador of Indonesia to Austria

On November 30th, I GUSTI AGUNG WESAKA PUJA, Ambassador of Indonesia to Austria held a guest lecture on "Indonesia - an emerging profile in global...

EcoS Updates

East Asianists and the Job Market

The project "Praxis-Link East Asia" of the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society aims to raise the employability of our students, give practical...

EcoS Updates

RECORD ATTENDANCE: Ostasientag 2011

Over 100 people came to watch 8 young East Asianists presenting their final theses at the Department of East Asian Studies.

EcoS Updates

The project "Praxis-Link East Asia" of the Chair of East Asian Economy and Society aims to raise the employability of our students, give practical...

EcoS Updates

Davos Debates in Abu Dhabi 2011

Prof. Frank gives a brief overview on the range of issues that are discussed at the World Economic Forum and Global Agenda Council on Korea.

EcoS Online

Live-Interview for Russia Today Television

US President Barack Obama declared North Korea a threat to the US and South Korea and warned it to disarm or face isolation.

EcoS Online

September 15-16, 2011. EastAsiaNet is a network of leading European research schools with a well-developed social-science focus on East Asia. It takes...

EcoS Updates

EcoS Info Meeting + Students Round Table (Stammtisch)

October 17, 2011, 18:15 at Seminarraum "Koreanologie". In this meeting the vision, targets and structure of the MA program "East Asian Economy and...

Student's Corner