Current Publications

Frank R. The Relations Between the GDR and North Korea 1949-1989. 2004. Paper presented at Proceedings of the International Conference on Korean Historical Materials and The History of Koreans in Europe, Bonn, Germany.

Frank R (Author). North Korea: Gigantic Change and a Gigantic Chance Nautilus Institute Policy Forum Online . 2003.

Frank R. North Korea: Between Stagnation and Pressure to Change. In Introduction to the Political Systems in East Asia. Opladen: Leske + Budrich. 2003. p. 271-325

Frank R. Regulierung in der Republik Korea : Kennzeichen und Reformen am Beispiel des Telekommunikationssektors. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2003. 373 p. (Europäische Hochschulschriften : Reihe 5, Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 2968).