Current Publications

Frank R. Successful Strategies to Attract and Retain Foreign Direct Investment. 2004. Paper presented at 1st Workshop on Economic Reform and the Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of.

Frank R. The Foreign Trade Policy of South Korea. In Handbook of Foreign Trade Policies. Berlin, Wien, Münster, Zürich, London: LitVerlag. 2004. p. 554-558

Frank R. The Relations Between the GDR and North Korea 1949-1989. 2004. Paper presented at Proceedings of the International Conference on Korean Historical Materials and The History of Koreans in Europe, Bonn, Germany.

Frank R. North Korea: Gigantic Change and a Gigantic Chance Nautilus Institute Policy Forum Online . 2003.

Frank R. North Korea: Between Stagnation and Pressure to Change. In Introduction to the Political Systems in East Asia. Opladen: Leske + Budrich. 2003. p. 271-325