Current Publications

Frank R. Korea's telecommunications industry. In Mahlich J, editor, Innovation and Technology in Korea: challenges of a newly advanced economy. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag HD. 2007. p. 233-254

Frank R. Market Gaps: The North Korean Reform Efforts. In North Korea: Insights into a Mysterious Country. Berlin: Ch. Links. 2007. p. 149-162

Frank R. Marktlücken. Die nordkoreanischen Reformbemühungen. In Nordkorea. Einblicke in ein rätselhaftes Land. Ch. Links. 2007. p. 149-162

Frank R. Options for Active EU Participation in Shaping the Security Order in Northeast Asia. In Martellini M, Redaelli R, editors, Cooperative Stability in North-East Asia. Como: Centro Volta. 2007. p. 179-194

Segert D, Frank R. Postsocialism in East Asia and Eastern Europe? Goals and Foundations of a Comparison. In Postsocialism. Remains of State Socialism and New Capitalism in Europe: Remains of State Socialism and New Capitalisms in Europe. Wien: Braunmueller. 2007. p. 123-157