Current Publications

Frank R. South Korea in Crisis: A Chronological Documentation April 1997 - March 1998. Duisburg: Duisburg Working Papers on the East Asian Economy. 1998.

Frank R. South Korea in Crisis: Assessing the Events of 1997/1998. Duisburg: Duisburg Working Papers on the East Asian Economy. 1998.

Frank R. The Chaebòl and the Economic Crisis: Roots, Structure and Problems of the South Korean Conglomerates. In Korea-Yearbook 1998. Hamburg: Institute of Asian Studies. 1998. p. 208-248 . (Korea Yearbook).

Frank R, Pascha W. 한 독EU 간 경제적 관계. In 한 독EU 간 경제적 관계 . Nordrhein-Westfalen. 1997. p. 97-102

Frank R, Pascha W. The OECD Membership of South Korea: Symbol of the Country's Economic Development? In Korea-Yearbook 1997. Hamburg: Institute of Asian Studies. 1997. p. 117-147