Current Publications

Frank R. North Korea’s Economy. In Kern T, Köllner P, editors, South And North Korea: An Introduction to History, Politics, Economy and Society. Hamburg: Institute of Asian Studies. 2005. p. 235-257

Frank R. The Political System of North Korea. In Kern T, Köllner P, editors, South and North Korea: An Introduction to History, Politics, Economy and Society. Hamburg: Institute of Asian Studies. 2005. p. 216-234

Frank R. The Theory of Institutional Economics and the Reality of Regulatory Policy: South Korea and Its Telecommunications Sector. In Effects and Changes of Institutions: The East Asian Example. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius. 2005. p. 65-98

Frank R, Manzenreiter W. With or Against China? Japan, South Korea and the Future of Regional Security in Northeast Asia. In Becker J, Hödl G, Steyrer P, editors, War at the Periphery: From Sarajewo to Kuito. Wien: Promedia Verlag. 2005. p. 124-150

Frank R. 북한의 변신: 경제변화와 사상적 뒷받침. In 민주평화통일자문회의 북한의 시장경제개혁에대한전망과도전 . Seoul: Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification. 2004. p. 43-57