Current Publications

Frank R. Die Bedeutung Ostasiens für die Weltwirtschaft. In Linhart S, Weigelin-Schwiedrzik S, editors, Ostasien im 20. Jahrhundert: Geschichte und Gesellschaft . Wien: Promedia Verlag. 2007. p. 174-189. (Edition Weltregionen, Vol. 14).

Frank R. Korea, Democratic People’s Republic. In German Asia-Pacific Business Association: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien-Pazifik. Hamburg: German Asia-Pacific Business Association. 2007. p. 249-262

Frank R. Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik. In Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien-Pazifik. Hamburg: German Asia-Pacific Business Association. 2007. p. 249-262

Frank R, (ed.), Pares S, (ed.), Hoare JE, (ed.), Köllner P, (ed.). Korea yearbook 2007: Politics, Economy, and Society. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2007. 305 p. (Korea ... : politics, economy and society, Vol. 1). (Korea Yearbook, Vol. 2007).

Frank R. Korea's telecommunications industry. In Mahlich J, editor, Innovation and Technology in Korea: challenges of a newly advanced economy. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag HD. 2007. p. 233-254

Frank R. Market Gaps: The North Korean Reform Efforts. In North Korea: Insights into a Mysterious Country. Berlin: Ch. Links. 2007. p. 149-162

Frank R. Marktlücken. Die nordkoreanischen Reformbemühungen. In Nordkorea. Einblicke in ein rätselhaftes Land. Ch. Links. 2007. p. 149-162