EcoS MA Theses
The list below contains all MA theses completed by graduates of the EcoS program. For additional details, you may access their online versions [if available] via the University of Vienna's online thesis catalogue.
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In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR/DSGVO), students are required to sign a Declaration of Consent to permit the publication of their MA poster on the EcoS website. This signed document, along with the PDF version of the MA poster, must be submitted via e-mail one week prior to the scheduled defense (defensio).
Furthermore, students who have completed their defensio and wish to grant EcoS permission to use their MA poster should forward a scanned copy of the signed Declaration of Consent to ecos[at]
- Tkacikova, Terezia. Democratization and its impact on social protection policy in South Korea, Taiwan, and Czechia (26.03.2025)
- Ivanova, Viktoriia. The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative: Perceptions of the Malaysian and German Governments (2013-2022) (17.03.2025)
- Schöbinger-Hassve, Launa Camilla Eggerickx. Japan and South Korea Fighting Low Fertility Levels Through Pro-natalist Policies That Support Female Employment (10.03.2025)
- Brehm, Robin. Poisoned Candy: The Portrayal of Donor Motives for Foreign Humanitarian Aid and Development Assistance in North Korean State Media (02.12.2024)
- Nakano, Shoko. Donor’s Economic Interests: Foreign Aid Policy and Practice in the United States, Japan and China (25.11.2024)
- Kanakhina, Polina. Revealing weaknesses: protection of human rights and violence against women in the Philippines and Cambodia (30.10.2024)
- Rat, Celine. The fight against illegal wildlife trafficking in East Asia: Lessons that can be drawn from the strategies implemented by China and Vietnam (16.10.2024)
- Shorina, Iuliia. Civil liberties in democratic and authoritarian countries in times of the pandemic COVID-19: the cases of the Republic of Korea and the PRC (12.09.2024)
- Fernandez, Erickabe. Protection and Assistance of Smuggled Migrants: Compliance of the State Framework with the International standards in Japan, South Korea, and Italy for the time period of 2010-2021 (12.09.2024)
- Dusimatov, Javlon. Applicability of the Four Asian Tigers' growth experience in other developing countries (24.01.2024)
- Gartner, Sara. State-Constructed Identity. How Different Regimes Shape Gender Politics. A Comparative Study Of China In Transition (18.01.2024)
- Klumpp, Florian. Political Regime Type and the Securitization of Climate Change by State Actors: Searching for Mechanisms behind Discourses and Actions in China and Japan (17.01.2024)
- Muhari, Gabriella Mária. In search of an East Asian cultural diplomacy model: In search of an East Asian cultural diplomacy model (13.12.2023)
- Godec, Tinkara. Prioritizing markets for Slovenia’s export of pharmaceuticals: A comparative study of China and Japan (26.09.2023)
- Besa, Razaile Elaine. Policy Analysis on the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights. The case of Thailand, Japan, and Taiwan (24.08.2023)
- Sand, Christoph Matthias. A Comparison of Developing Democracies. Party Finance Standards on the National Level in Taiwan and South Korea (28.06.2023)
- Najmehchi, Elyar. Contested UNESCO Heritage in East Asian Relations. Conceptualizing State Behavior in International Heritage Conflicts (21.06.2023)
- Keetch, Oliver-John. The 'Rebalance' to Asia; US (re)engagement with South East Asia. How have the US’s security and economic relationships with South East Asia evolved since 2009, with a particular focus on the case studies of the Philippines and Indonesia, in response to the declared ‘rebalance’ to Asia? (14.06.2023)
- Gombíková, Miriama. Japan and South Korea’s bilateral relations: A comparative analysis of the role of identity politics in Japan and South Korea’s official discourse (08.03.2023)
- Albitova, Diana. Government Incentives and Actual FDI Performances of China, South Korea, and Singapore (08.03.2023)
- Birnbauer, Daniela. Measuring Intellectual Property 'Strength'. A Comparative Analysis of the PRC’s and Japan’s IP Protection Regimes (31.10.2022)
- Murzakaev, Ramis. HIV Stigma Policy in China and Thailand at the turn of 2020s (31.10.2022)
- Schrimpf, Leah. Public Health Crises as a Chance to Reconstruct Social Identity. Taiwan and Hong Kong Government’s Practices to Ensure Social Cohesion Through the Construction of Social Identities During COVID-19 (28.09.2022)
- Steindl, Ulf Michael. Between Integration, Indigenization and Internationalization. Defence Innovation Systems in East Asia 1991 – 2021 (07.09.2022)
- Donninger, Demi Julia. Japan, South Korea, and Shifting Power Positions in Southeast Asia (07.09.2022)
- Szabó, Péter Bálint. Comparison of State Support of Research and Development in the Electronics Industries of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (13.06.2022)
- Fechter, Benjamin. Follow the (shadow) money: Shadow banking and systemic risk in China, South Korea, and the United States (11.05.2022)
- Widmann, Manuel. The Effectiveness of Economic Inducements: An Analysis of Chinese Economic Inducements Towards the Philippines (27.04.2022)
- Teregulova, Adel. Popular Culture and High Culture as resources of Soft Power Stratefies in Modern China, South Korea and the Russian Federation (06.04.2022)
- Bubenko, Anastasiia. Cultural and Urban Regeneration Policies for Creative Cluster Development: The Case of the Video Game Industry in China and Japan (16.02.2022)
- Scheurer, Christophe. The Role of River Basin Organizations on the Damming of the Mekong and the Safeguarding of Fisheries (15.12.2021)
- Lörinczy, Lili Alexa. Race for Talent: A Comparative Analysis of Influencing Factors to Attract Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals to Japan and Taiwan (17.11.2021)
- Nestelberger, Ursula. East Asian Multi-Industry Companies – A comparison of the economic performance of South Korean and Japanese large-scale business groups between 2008 and 2019 based on financial indicators (20.10.2021)
- Lux, Alessa Maria Christina. Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean Banking Sectors and Bank Performances: All the Same or Different? – A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis from 2011-2016 (18.10.2021)
- Psenner, Simon. Innovation Policy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. A Comparative Study of Cases of Japan and South Korea (21.06.2021)
- Iakovleva, Iana. Comparative Analysis of Sustainable Tourism Policies and their Application in Practice. Case Studies of Malaysia and Thailand (21.04.2021)
- Lee, Yunji. Marriage Migration in East Asia: Integration Policy, Citizenship and Legal Status of Asian Women Brides in South Korea and Taiwan (17.03.2021)
- Balluff, Paul. Media Bias in East Asia. Framing of the Umbrella Movement in English Language Online News Outlets (17.03.2021)
- Müller, Markus. Sustainable Food Waste Governance in the Sector of Household, Food Retail, and Hospitality. A Comparative Analysis of Food Waste Management Policies in East and Southeast Asia (02.03.2021)
- Barańska, Karolina. Identity politics and Taiwan-Japan relations. The comparative study of Taiwan and Japan’s official discourses regarding their bilateral relations (02.03.2021)
- Zhu, Yin Ping. Agricultural biotechnology in East Asia. A comparative assessment of GM crop adoption in China and Japan (14.12.2020)
- Shim, Kyun Ho. Comparative Analysis of Employment Promotion Policies for Persons with Disabilities in Korea and Japan (14.12.2020)
- Helbling, Valérie. Monitoring the Health and Resilience of Banks in China, Japan, and South Korea (02.12.2020)
- Gabriel, Anne-Aymore. A Comparative Analysis on the Competitiveness of Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display Industries in Taiwan and South Korea (30.11.2020)
- Mader, Jessica Sophie Maria. The development of tourism in state socialism. A comparative study of the development of international inbound tourism to Beijing and Pyongyang 1990 to 2019 (30.11.2020)
- Wraneschitz, Dominik-Christian. Electric Mobility Development in the Chinese and Japanese Automotive Industry: A Comparative Study of China and Japan (23.11.2020)
- Tyutereva, Anastasia. Shadow Education and Inequality: Comparison of Government Policies in South Korea and Japan (10.09.2020)
- Rechberger, Alexander. Competing for Supply-Driven R&D Investments by Foreign MNEs: A Comparative Study of China, Japan and the United States (12.08.2020)
- Deschu, Tina. Family Policies in East Asian Welfare States: A comparison of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (24.06.2020)
- Levihn, Sarah. Housing Affordability in East Asian Capital Cities: A Comparative Analysis of the Housing Markets of Beijing, Seoul, and Tokyo (24.04.2020)
- Leis, Philip. Rural Livelihoods and Coffee. Overcoming the Coffee Paradox in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam (23.04.2020)
- Hanada, Eric. The economic rivalry between Japan and the U.S. in the 1980s, and China and the U.S. since the 1990s (21.10.2019)
- Gschwendtner, Pauline. Silver Economy Strategies: A Comparative Study of the Japanese and South Korean Government's Strategic Measures (15.10.2019)
- Tao, Mengying. Renewed Effort to Develop Special Economic Zones in Northeast Asia. Comparing Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Incheon Free Economic Zone and Tokyo Strategic Special Zone (02.10.2019)
- Yasin, Daniel. Analyzing Energy Security in East Asia. Evaluating Energy Security Performance in the Cases of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (06.09.2019)
- Viflot, Kristian. A Holistic Approach to Addressing Marine Plastics Pollution in East Asia: A Comparison of Prevention, Mitigation, Removing and Behaviour changing Measures to Curb Marine Plastic Pollution from Land based Sources in China, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia (02.08.2019)
- Menz, Katharina. The East Asian (Un)equal Growth Miracle. Analysing Income Inequality in China and Korea (02.08.2019)
- Sand, Hanna Andrea. Hunger for Water. Water Governance in Irrigated Agriculture in Malaysia and Vietnam (17.05.2019)
- Lipponer, Ann-Kathrin. The East Asian Trilemma: In between Economic, Environmental and Enery Security. Comparing Renewables as Part of Energy Security Strategies in China, Japan and South Korea (07.05.2019)
- Thao, Nguyen. The Philippines and Vietnam’s responses to the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)’s final award on the arbitration case initiated by the Philippines against China over South China Sea (July, 2016) (03.04.2019)
- Fischer, Katharina. A comparative Analysis of Documentary Films on the so-called “comfort women” of the Japanese Imperial Army (27.03.2019)
- Yodsamer, Thunyasiri. Education Diplomacy: A Comparative Analysis of China’s and Japan’s Educational Soft Power (06.03.2019)
- Hees, Madeleine. Internationalization of East Asian High-Technology MNEs: Comparing Japanese and Chinese Market Entry Strategies in the European Market (29.01.2019)
- Slováková, Veronika. Analysis of Slovakia's Foreign Trade with East and Southeast Asian Countries. Case Study of South Korea and Malaysia (19.12.2018)
- Stelzer, Diana Astrid. East Asian Technical Cooperation Initiatives in Central America. A Comparative Study of Japan and South Korea in Guatemala (14.11.2018)
- Schennach, Philippe. The Impact of the War on Terror on the Securitization of the Uyghur Minority Question in the People’s Republic of China and the Moro Minority Question in the Republic of the Philippines (24.10.2018)
- Cervantes Nieto, Alejandra. The Fight against Drug Trafficking in East Asia. A Comparison of Government Policies Designed to Combat Drug Trafficking in China, Japan and the Philippines (17.10.2018)
- Apollonio, Manuel. Legitimation Strategies of Autocratic Regimes. A Comparison of Belarus, China, North Korea and Vietnam (03.09.2018)
- Bartholner, Martina. The Competitiveness of Nation Brands. An Analysis of Japan's and Singapore's Nation Brands (03.09.2018)
- Kramer, Melanie. Economic and Strategic City Competitiveness: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Singapore and Seoul (03.09.2018)
- Reith, Constanze Elisabeth. Supporting the Needy Elderly in South Korea and China. A Comparative Analysis of Programmes and Policies Aiming at Universal Access to Old-Age Income Support and the Reduction of Old-Age Poverty (20.06.2018)
- Cheng, Gillian. Die koreanische Minderheit in China und Japan. Eine komparative Analyse aus sozialintegrativer Perspektive (09.05.2018)
- Juen, Sarah Anna. Migration flows in a transnational age. Zainichi communities in Japan (20.04.2018)
- Bauer, Angela. Education in North Korea: How the North Korean regime uses the educational system to preserve the system (28.02.2018)
- Endres, Christoph. Big Business in Asia and its Impact on Economy and Society: The Cases of Ayala and Samsung. (06.12.2017)
- Knauder, Lena. Comparing the innovation processes of two East Asian companies concerning economic success in nowadays world, according to a Schumpeterian framework: The cases of Huawei and Samsung Electronics. (29.11.2017)
- Holzmann, Anna. China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative: A Discourse Analysis of Speeches by Chinese Politicians and Indonesian Newspaper Articles (29.11.2017)
- Gu, Yiwen. Assessing Urban Competitiveness in Context of Knowledge Economy. A Comparative Study on East Asian Metropolises (15.11.2017)
- Starovoyt, Anna. Sustainable Urban Development: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Republic of Singapore (15.11.2017)
- Lopez, Jessica. Women's Political Representation in Japan, China, and South Korea: A Comparative Analyses of Factors (25.10.2017)
- Stefanova, Angelina. Sustainable Urbanisation: Eco City Development in China and Japan (21.06.2017)
- Wasileva, Elisabetha. South Korean and Japanese Automobiles in the New Era of Innovation: Investigating the Performance of Hyundai Kia and Toyota with Respect to the Innovation Power of Volkswagen (14.06.2017)
- Engelhardt, Ole. Fighting Poverty - Copy the Success? A comparative analysis of the potentials of the Philippines and Vietnam to repeat the South Korean Saemaul Undong rural development success (14.06.2017)
- Lee, Xian Li Charlene. Chinese and Japanese Development Aid: A comparative Study of two Case Studies in the Republic of Kenya (26.04.2017)
- Zeman, Maros. Comparative analysis of economic crises in Singapore, Thailand, Japan and South Korea in 1997-1998 and 2007-2008 (05.04.2017)
- Galler, Melanie. Exportvermarktungsstrategien in Japan und der Volksrepublik China. Am Beispiel der Schweizer Uhrenindustrie (08.03.2017)
- Miyagawa, Lhasa. Dust and Sand Storms in China, Japan and South Korea: A Transnational Environmental Threat to Human Security (08.03.2017)
- Abdulgaleev, Niyaz. What Lead to the East Asian Financial Crisis? (28.02.2017)
- Fuetsch, Elena Florentina. Business Activities in Vietnam and China: Mastering Intercultural Challenges (25.01.2017)
- Popov, Elena. Sustainability Driven Entrepreneurship within the Field of Water Management in Indonesia and Singapore (30.11.2016)
- Luu, Sylvia. Approaching East Asia’s Green Market: An Analysis of the Online Organic Grocery Industry in South Korea and China (24.11.2016)
- Rivoir, Simone Martina. E-Waste Governance in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Electronic and Electrical Waste Management Systems in China, Japan, and South Korea (23.11.2016)
- Dlubatz, Swen. Confucianism, Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Its Implication and Interconnection for Modern Businesses, Business Management and Business Strategy in Japan and China (18.11.2016)
- Schallauer, Karin. Industrial Clusters in North East Asia-A Comparative Analysis of Electronics and IT Clusters in Japan, China and South Korea (14.11.2016)
- Blau, Carla. Producing High-Tech in China and Malaysia: Location Choice and Lean Management (17.10.2016)
- Zhao, Bo. Foreign Trade and National Economic Development in China and South Korea (17.10.2016)
- Pfannkuch, Clara. Corporate Social Responsibility in East Asia What is the current state of CSR in Japan, South Korea, and China and how does it comply with the international guidelines? (07.10.2016)
- Mandl, Martin. Food Culture in East Asia: An Enquiry into the Culinary Regionality of East Asian Eating and Drinking (21.07.2016)
- Aistleitner, Michael. Assessing the Competitiveness of Shipbuilding Industries in China and South Korea: A Comparative Analysis based on Porter’s Diamond Model (01.07.2016)
- Guo, Fangzhou. The Influence of Urbanization on Food Consumption Patterns in East Asia: A Comparative Study on China and Indonesia in 2002-2010 (10.06.2016)
- Long, Teng. How Special Economic Zones Influence Economic Development in East Asia: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Zouping National Economic and Technological Development Zone and Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone on the Local Economic Development during the Era of Financialization (10.06.2016)
- Lee, Yeoi Lin. The Concept of Trade Liberalisation in Japan and the Republic of Korea: Strategic Government Interventions in Agricultural Trade (25.04.2016)
- Raskopina, Mariia. Sino-Russian and South Korean-Russian Energy Relations and their evolution in terms of "The Crimean Crisis" (25.04.2016)
- Horvath-Papp, Monika. How Vietnam and ASEAN handle the rising power of China: what growing interdependence means in a world of globalization (18.04.2016)
- Ignatuschtschenko, Eva. Electronic Waste in China, Japan and Vietnam A Comparative Analysis of Waste Management Strategies (08.04.2016)
- Kolar, Stefan. Sino-Japanese Relations: The Potential for Militarized Conflict in the 21st Century (08.04.2016)
- Höger, Silvia. The Effects of Electoral Systems on Party Systems: The Cases of Japan and Taiwan (15.02.2016)
- Sie, Evangelista. Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Female Labour Force Participation in East and Southeast Asia. Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in Japan, South Korea, China and Vietnam (08.02.2016)
- Wu, Xin. Comparing Human Resource Management among Taiwanese and South Korean companies (29.01.2016)
- Grychtol, Katarzyna Aneta. Asian Tigers: comparison of their tax systems’ attractiveness for foreign direct investments (08.01.2016)
- Steuer, Benjamin. Economic Transformation in Vietnam - Which Norms Are Used by State and Non-state Actors for the Realisation of Individual Needs and Wants? (15.12.2015)
- Vu, Sarah Patricia. B2B Marketing Communications in PR China and Singapore An Analysis of Communication Channels for Software Products (24.11.2015)
- Szabo, Anna Gabriella. Ethnic Policies Toward People of Chinese Descent in Indonesia and Malaysia (13.11.2015)
- Grabner, Julia Andrea. The Effect of Institutional Factors on Firm Performance: A System Dynamics Analysis of Technology Based Start-Ups in China and Indonesia (06.11.2015)
- Ritzmann, Jürgen. Mythology, Ritual and Female Empowerment: A Comparative Study of Shamanism in Korea and Japan (19.10.2015)
- Thiele, Jörg. Conceptualizing "Internationalization" in International Relations Theory. The Case of Vietnam and the Philippines in the South China Sea (09.09.2015)
- Täumer, Sarah. Organic Farming Development in China and Japan: An Analysis of Supportive Structures (18.06.2015)
- Baumert, Fabian. Maritime Claims, Energy, and the South China Sea An Analysis on the Role of Energy Security in the South China Sea Dispute between China, Malaysia, and Vietnam (15.06.2015)
- Warmers, Andre. A Comparison of the Competitiveness of the Automobile Industry in China and South Korea on the Basis of Porter’s Diamond Model (23.02.2015)
- Kadvoltova, Zuzana. Transboundary hydropolitics in the Mekong Basin: Ugly cooperation or pretty conflict? (20.02.2015)
- Olbrich, Philipp. Security, Knowledge and Technology: Non-Governmental Satellite Imagery Analysis of North Korea’s Nuclear Threat (20.02.2015)
- Wuketich, Michal. Revolution in Military Affairs in East Asia (20.02.2015)
- Jung, Seunghwan. Solar Energy Potential in China, South Korea and Japan (26.01.2015)
- Schmudermaier, Doris. Trinkkulturen in Ostasien ein Vergleich zwischen China, Japan und Vietnam (26.01.2015)
- Peitl, Julia. Japanese and South Korean Official Development Assistance (ODA): A Comparative Analysis of Rhetoric and Behavior (19.01.2015)
- Mistik, Stanislav. Social Media Marketing Strategies in Luxury Segment: A Comparison between China, India and Malaysia (12.01.2015)
- Firnhammer, Stefan. Media Systems of Japan and South Korea: A Comparative Approach (15.12.2014)
- Achleitner, Lisa. Lean Production in Manufacturing Companies in China and Malaysia (14.11.2014)
- Malecki, Lukasz Stefan. Selected Indicators of Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Performance after the Global Financial Crisis. Comparative Research of Japan and South Korea (03.11.2014)
- Riedl, Anna Katharina. Der Einfluss von FDI auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in China, Südkorea und Japan im Rahmen der Investment Development Path Theorie (27.10.2014)
- Nau, Christian. Past and Future Development of the Airline Industry in South- and North East Asia (20.10.2014)
- Rein, Marlen. Power Asymmetry in the Mekong River Basin: The Impact of Hydro-Hegemony on Sharing Transboundary Water (13.10.2014)
- Brkic, Iva. Oil and Gas Supply Security Policy in China and Japan (18.08.2014)
- Juchum, Dominik. Messbare Energiesicherheit in China, Japan und Südkorea: Interdependenz und potentielle Energiekooperation (18.08.2014)
- Reichelt, Katharina. Unternehmenskultur in der Volksrepublik China und Japan - eine komparative Analyse aus der Perspektive österreichischer Arbeitnehmer (23.06.2014)
- Neumann, Oliver. Hydropower Performance in the PR China and Japan - A Comparative Assessment (16.06.2014)
- Aumayr, Andrea. Keeping the Peace: The Field of International Peace Cooperation Activities of Japan and the Republic of Korea between 2000 and 2010 (26.05.2014)
- Esletzbichler, Tamara. Place Marketing in Südkorea und Japan: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede des Place Marketings staatlicher Tourismus Organisationen (26.05.2014)
- Hagenhofer, Judith. Environmental Concern in East Asia (28.04.2014)
- Schubert, Anne. Successful Interorganizational Cooperation? Analyzing the EU-ASEAN Relationship (22.04.2014)
- Uras, Süheyla Duygu. Public Relations Management Strategies of two European Luxury Brands: a comparative study between Japan and South Korea (07.04.2014)
- Wagner, Laura. International Environmental Institutions in China and South Korea (07.04.2014)
- Schleining, Christian. Von Europa nach Asien: Marktchancen für ein österreichisches Online-Gaming-Unternehmen Eine Marktanalyse ausgewählter Rahmenbedingungen in der Republik Korea und der Republik Singapur (31.03.2014)
- Janikowski, Agnes. The Relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Japan and South Korea (03.03.2014)
- Niederberger, Sandra. Theoretical Analysis and Comparison of Protectionist Policies, Foundations, Implementation, Objectives and Derived Results within the Member States of ASEAN+3 and the EU (27.01.2014)
- Müller, Arthur. Nachhaltigkeit in terrestrischen Jagdsystemen im Vergleich von Japan, Südkorea und Österreich (11.11.2013)
- Zilberberg, Salomon. Zainichi - Eine aktuelle Analyse (04.11.2013)
- Rohrhofer, Eva. Mediensysteme in Ostasien - Über den Zusammenhang von Medien und Politik in Japan, Südkorea und der Volksrepublik China (28.10.2013)
- Weissensteiner, Tanja. Post-Socialist Urban Development in East and Southeast Asia: Socialist Legacy in Beijing and Hanoi (28.10.2013)
- Huang, Jin Yi. Economic Development in Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong and Japan: A Critical Examination of Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth (21.10.2013)
- Doppler, Rainer. Die Entwicklung der Internationalen Handelsbeziehungen in Abhängigkeit vom Stand der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung: Eine komparative Analyse ost- und südostasiatischer Volkswirtschaften. (14.10.2013)
- Drexel, Nadja. Wissensgenerierung in New Ventures basierend auf dem SECI-Modell - Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen Japan, Südkorea und Österreich (14.10.2013)
- Stöller, Ingomar. Political and Ideological Symbolism of Chinese and North Korean Propaganda Paintings (30.09.2013)
- Aschbacher, Michaela. (Peri)urbane Landwirtschaft in Ostasien: eine Analyse ausgewählter Fallbeispiele aus China und Japan (22.04.2013)
- Yen, Shiao-Chien. Häuslicher Gewalt an Frauen in Ostasien (08.04.2013)
- Kemetmüller, Thomas. The Theory and Empirics of Financial Development, Integration and Regionalism in the East Asian Bond Markets (18.03.2013)
- Strachwitz, Antonia. Diskriminierung der Frau in der Volksrepublik China und Japan: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Umsetzung der Aktionsplattform von Peking 1995-2010 (18.02.2013)
- Kolm, Cornelia. Tourism Management Strategies of Tourism Planning and Policies in China and Thailand (10.12.2012)
- Werner, Julia. Demographic Transition and Ageing in China and Japan. Traditional Values and Modern Lifestyle (28.11.2012)
- Cheng, Anna. The launch of an innovative product into East Asia - Introducing an automotive telematics product into the markets China, Japan and South Korea seen from the perspective of Service Dominant Logic (19.11.2012)
- Stöger, Karin. Wirtschaftssysteme in China und Vietnam: Zwischen sozialistischer Orientierung und marktwirtschaftlicher Ordnung (19.11.2012)
- Kato, Hisao Daniel. Vergleich der Migrationspolitik in Japan, China und Südkorea anhand einer Governance-Analyse (22.10.2012)
- Oszvald, Sabine. Demokratie in Südostasien - Ein Vergleich mit dem westlich-liberalen Demokratiemodell nach Diamond anhand der Beispiele von Indonesien, Malaysia und Thailand (22.10.2012)
- Mustonen, Jani Juhani. Privatization in East Asia: Comparison of Causes, Processes and Outcomes (13.08.2012)
- Stefan, Julian. Nuklearpolitik in Ostasien (06.07.2012)
- Ning, Wolfgang Weiyi. Vietnam und die Philippinen vs. China im Südchinesischen Meer - Strategische Herausforderung, Sicherheitsdilemma oder Sicherheitsparadox? (13.06.2012)
- Sattler, Daniel. Interkulturelle Kommunikationspolitik in Ostasien Standardisierungsmöglichkeiten in der Interkulturellen Kommunikationspolitik zwischen Unternehmen und Konsumenten in Österreich und den ostasiatischen Ländern China und Japan (03.05.2012)
- Halbeisen, Arno. Ausländisches Corporate Entrepreneurship in der Volksrepublik China und der Sozialistischen Republik Vietnam: Staatliche Entrepreneurship Politik, Institutionen und Programme (15.03.2012)
- Schautzer, Gerhard. Social Media Marketing in East Asia - A comparison of marketing practices in the East Asian IT industry (15.03.2012)
- Xu, Xiaonan. Challenges and Opportunities of Sino-Japan FTA (28.02.2012)
- Koller, Sigrid. Power Shift in International Organizations: Republic of Korea and People's Republic of China (31.01.2012)
- Brammer, Norbert. Internationalization of Chinese and Indian Banks: Patterns and Strategies (26.01.2012)
- Marhold, Klaus. Probleme und Konflikte bei der Verlegung und Neuerrichtung von Militärbasen in Südkorea (19.01.2012)
- Schneeweiß, Elisabeth. Energiepolitik in Japan und Südkorea: Im Spannungsfeld von Versorgungssicherheit und Umweltverträglichkeit (19.01.2012)
- Gartner, Katharina. Das Image der Ostasiaten in Österreich: Eine Analyse der kulturellen Identität anhand einer Image- Umfrage in Österreich (15.12.2011)
- Wang, Xian. Konsumentenverhalten am Luxusmarkt in Ostasien - Ein empirischer Vergleich zu Einflussfaktoren vom Konsumverhalten am Luxusmarkt zwischen ChinesInnen und JapanerInnen (06.12.2011)
- Bauer, Sandra. Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit in Ostasien: Der Charakter der sozialen Systeme in Hong Kong, Singapur, Südkorea und Taiwan (22.11.2011)
- Naka, Julia. Auswirkungen des Fairen Handels auf südostasiatische Produzentenorganisationen. Eine Stärken-Schwächen-Analyse? (14.02.2011)
- Radonov, Ivan R.. Investitionsstandorte In Ostasien - Eine Komparative Studie Von Investitionsbedingungen (19.01.2011)
- Park, Stephan Si-Hwan. Tolerance and Global Talents in East Asia or How Google Could Save the East Asian Miracle (21.12.2010)
- Loher, Josef Falko. Nationale Klimapolitik in Japan, China und Südkorea: Eine Governance-Analyse (27.10.2010)