- Miller, John H. 2008. Modern East Asia: An Introductory History. Armonk and London: M. E. Sharpe.
- Narangoa, Li and Robert B. Cribb. 2014. Historical Atlas of Northeast Asia, 1590–2010: Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia. New York: Columbia University Press.
Journal Article:
- Park, Hye Jeong. 2014. “East Asian Odyssey Towards One Region: The Problem of East Asia as a Historiographical Category.” History Compass, 12 (12), pp. 889–900.
- Pokorny, Lukas. 2010. “Anti-Buddhist Polemics in the Yongbiŏch’ŏn’ga.” Studia Orientalia Slovaca, 9 (1), pp. 59–69.
Chapter in Edited Volume:
- Melton, Gordon. 2007. “Introducing and Defining the Concept of a New Religion.” In David G. Bromley, ed., Teaching New Religious Movements. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 29–40.
- Perdue, Peter C., Helen F. Siu, and Eric Tagliacozzo. 2015. “Introduction: Structuring Moments in Asian Connections.” In Peter C. Perdue, Helen F. Siu, and Eric Tagliacozzo, eds., Asia Inside Out: Changing Times. Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–22.
M.A. adn Ph.D. Dissertations:
- Anderson, Richard. 1988. “Taiken: Personal Narratives and Japanese New Religions.” Ph.D. thesis, Indiana University, United States
- Lum, Thomas. 2006. “China and Falun Gong.” Online: http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/67820.pdf (accessed: May 7, 2016).
- Beig, Stefan. 2012. “Ein Rückschritt zur Inquisition.” Wiener Zeitung, April 9, 2012; online: http://www.wienerzeitung.at/nachrichten/kultur/kulturpolitik/449291_Ein-Rueckschritt-zur-Inquisition.html (accessed: May 28, 2012).
Publications in Non-European Languages:
- Kil, Yŏng-hwan 길영환. 2002. “T’ongil kyohoe’ŭi chugŭm’ŭi ihae’wa sŭnghwasik 통일교회의 죽음의 이해와 승화(昇華)식 [Understanding Death in the Unification Church, and the Seunghwa].” Sinjonggyo yŏn’gu 신종교연구 [New Religion Studies], 7, pp. 146–162.
- Pān, Xuān 潘煊. 2011. Rénjiān fóguó 人間佛國 [A Buddha Land in the Human Realm]. Táiběi 臺北: Tiānxià wénhuà 天下文化.