
Spelling: Authors must use UK spelling (-ise, -isation etc).

Diacritics, accents:Where a European language employs accents or diacritics, these should be retained in names and words, e.g. Françoise Choay, Médecins Sans Frontières. We basically follow the conventions of the McCune-Reischauer romanisation for texts on Korean subjects. Thus the Korean diacritic (ŭ and ŏ) should be used as necessary, with both capital and small vowels. Japanese words and names follow the Hepburn romanisation, thus they should similarly show the Japanese macron (ō and ū) as required. Chinese terms should be romanised according to Hànyǔ Pīnyīn including tonal marks. The first mention of romanised terms/names should be followed by the corresponding Asian characters and should in addition be included in the glossary.


Type: Do not use bold type. Use italics for titles of books and newspapers, for the titles of films and for the names of ships. Use italics for foreign words.

Chapter titles are to be in bold in 12-pt Times New Roman, and subheadings are to be in bold. An extra blank line should be inserted before and after.


Glossary The glossary should include three columns. The left column should contain the romanised terms and names. The East Asian characters etc. should be included in the middle column, and the right column should contain the translation and, if useful, an explanation.


Citations and references:

  • All direct quotations from a source to be written inside double quotation marks. For a quotation within a quotation, use single quotation marks. Single quotation marks are to be used to signify unusual usage of a word. This may include jargon and special terminology, singling a problematic phrase such as a slang term, or indicating that a term is being used outside of its commonly accepted meaning.
  • Large quotations (more than four lines, i.e., five lines and longer) should be set as block indentations. This means no quotation marks are required for this text. Indented quotations should be in 10-pt Time New Roman.
  • In-text citations generally follow the rule of (Author’s Surname Year: Page Number). For example, (Hardacre 2017: 113-114).
  • Multiple works by the same author are to be listed as follows: (Urban 1989; 1998; 2000).
  • If any author is mentioned in the same sentence as the citation, an abbreviated version may be used. For example, “[…] although Wilson (1985: 13) argues that these themes parallel the main concerns of the Church.”
  • When a source has four or more authors, ‘et al’ should be used after the first author’s surname when citing in-text.
  • Serial commas are to be used at all times for the sake of clarity. For example, “item 1, item 2, and item 3” as opposed to “item 1, item 2 and item 3.”

Acronyms Always use capital letters, e.g. OECD, UNDP. Always spell out the name of the organisation, country, etc., when it first appears in the text and follow it immediately by the acronym in brackets, e.g. Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). Thereafter use the acronym.


Numbers and Figures:

  • Dates: In the text, these should follow the order month/day/year, e.g., June 15, 2000, the celebrations of July 4.
  • Percentages: Use “per cent” (two words) in the text, the symbol “%” in tables with no space between number and the symbol, e.g., 1.3%
  • Years: Use the full form and no apostrophe when referring to a decade, e.g., the 1980s and 1990s. Please use
  • “en dash” between two years, e.g., 2007–2008, not 2007-2008.
  • Cardinal numbers: Write out in full up to one-hundred, unless used for the numbering of figures and tables (e.g., Figure 1, Table 2). Use numerals from 101 to 999,999. Thereafter use one million, one billion. In four-digit numbers, place a comma after the first digit, e.g. 1,000-9,999; in five-digit numbers, after the second digit, e.g. 10,000 to 99,999; in six-digit numbers, after the third digit, e.g., 100,000.
  • Decimal numbers: Place a point between the whole numbers and the decimal values, e.g., 0.6.
  • Ordinal numbers: Write out in full, e.g., first; nineteenth.